Your Best Life Now

Carly Riordan Worship Leading

‘Your best life now.’  This is the phrase that has been finding its ways into my consciousness of late. 

My best life now, right now.

Am I living my best life now? If not why. What am I waiting for? Why am I holding back, holding out? What have I stopped believing God for?… 

I have felt challenged when it comes to my faith. Specifically the substance of my faith. Is faith evident in my life? If so, where is it? What actions is it taking?

Have I diminished God down to what is possible, reasonable and doable in my own strength? Or am I believing for the God opportunities and the whispers that lead to wild adventures and memorable testimonies?  Continue reading

Thoughts around language and communication

Carly Riordan Pastor

I’ve dubbed myself the language police. Not language as in swearing but I mean the words that frame our day to day lives. In our home and lately out and about I find myself correcting people in the way they speak about themselves and their world. Our words matter.

In terms of worship leading, without careful consideration of what else we do other than singing, we can end up settling into a sort of Christian karaoke with a touch of add lib. Seriously! Think about it.

Aside from the skill of singing (and all the heart, character, anointing, Jesus stuff) what differentiates you leading worship from the next person? What makes you effective assuming you can sing and you are anointed in this space? Continue reading