Lead with your life: a collision of thoughts

Carly Riordan

The call to leadership and building the church is one that I’ve felt strongly since my early days as a Christian. One of the first hurdles I had to overcome was reconciling feelings of inadequacy and being unskilled.

The resolve came as I understood effective leadership hinged not on my ability to lead but rather my on my ability to follow Jesus. If I was following Him and loving people then everything else would look after itself. Still to this day as I get up to lead worship I remind myself that I am not the worship leader, the Holy Spirit it. My only job is to follow Him. Continue reading

The difference between isolation and solitude

Palm Beach

There is a big difference between isolation and solitude.

Without the time to stop and doing a stocktake of our thoughts, sneaky lies have the habit of taking up residence in our thought lounge. These same lies dissipate when we come face to face with our Creator.

Time alone with Him will have you slowing down, being more aware of priorities, and instead of reaching for familiar and easy vices you’ll reach more for Him.

Deep down we crave the stillness. Continue reading