Where is your mountain?  

img_7226While many defining moments in God begin with the cliche, ‘I can’t remember who was speaking, where we were, or what the message was about,’ the following recollection is NOT one of those times.

This moment is as clear to me now as it was 12 years ago. I remember the way the chairs were arranged and the slight insecurity that I felt as I walked in. I remember who the speaker was, and the exact nature of the message that transformed my walk with Jesus to this day.

Lucas Connell was the speaker and we (the youth leaders from across the Gold Coast) had gathered for a youth leaders summit in the iconic Surf City building in Surfers Paradise.

On this humble afternoon as the Word was passionately preached, Lucas persuaded us to find our mountain and climb it.

What mountain?

And why climb?

From the book of Exodus we were inspired from the life of Moses. When Moses climbed mount Sinai he met with God. He heard His voice, received instruction and saw His glory. (Exodus 33:11-23)

“Where is your mountain?”

“Find the place you meet with God”

The message felt urgent, necessary, like little else mattered.

I knew straight away where my mountain was. It was the same place I find it today.

My mountain is the beach.

The ‘mountain message’ is still fresh in my mind every time my feet hit the sand to walk, to pray, to listen, to seek God.

As I walk the length of the beach I am climbing my mountain, just as Moses did. I climb with intention and vulnerability- it’s the sacred place where meet with my Creator. Many decisions have been outworked on my mountain, time of tears, of joy, times of confusion poured out and victories celebrated.

Only heaven knows the true depth of what has unfolded on the sand over these years.

As I climb my mountain the spiritual cobwebs are cleaned out. The impurities of my heart rise to the surface. I return home cleaner, clearer, having met with God.

Sometimes we talk, other times there is silence. It’s less important what happens on the mountain- it’s more important simply that I go. Once I go, the rest is up to God.

Do you have a mountain?

Bill Hybles has a chair where he meets with God. Some have a room, a special place, a physical action; kneeling, playing an instrument, writing, painting. Some say they hear God most clearly in the shower.

What about you?

Where’s your mountain?

There is something about having a place of focused intention that enables us to hear Him more clearly.

Life can be noisy sometimes.

Moses climbed, Jesus withdrew, Mary knew what was most needful; to seek, to listen, to obey.

Can I encourage you to find your mountain and climb?

Set aside time, make the effort. Go with intention and expectation, but mainly just go.

Happy climbing.

Carly Riordan Signature




Would love to hear your thoughts. Where is your mountain?

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