
Family Carly Riordan

About Carly

Carly is a writer living on the Gold Coast, Australia with her husband Joe and their two girls: Beni and Selah. She is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a lover of His Church, people and life in general.

She has served in her local church for over 20 years as a worship leader, pastor and church builder. Carly has lectured on the Theology of Worship at Bible College but gravitates towards a style of writing and speaking that has her telling endless stories infused with the grace and truth of Jesus. You’ll find yourself in her stories and be inspired to live more intentionally and passionately for God.

Her latest book and memoir Daughter Wait! centres around a different approach to dating and relationships and is available for here.

Inspired by all aspects of creativity, the Word and the beautiful people she encounters daily, Carly is passionate about helping others live a Spirit-led life and step confidently into all that God has created them for. 

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Instagram: @carlyriordan

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