Last week I prayed a prayer I’d never prayed before. As I explored the words that effortlessly flowed from my mouth, I pondered their validity and origin—was it ‘right’ to pray this way? Was this evidence of defeat or an indication of spiritual growth? Continue reading
Author: carlyriordan
Ponderings on Facing Fear: Food, Coffee, Public Speaking and the Unknown

This February I decided to face fear. Not the big fears: flying, spiders, death… the small fears that hold me back. Continue reading
Rostering: a key to pastoring people and valuing them well
Rostering can make or break a team. Good rostering and a team will feel loved, valued and will cultivate an environment where people are prepared to go the extra mile if needed. And poor rostering can do the opposite leaving people feeling devalued, annoyed and not wanting to be involved at all. You’ll watch as the team shrinks and every ask is seemingly too much.
In a nutshell rostering is one of the key factors in seeing a team be healthy and grow. So just how does one approach this lost and dying art form?
Complaining, Church, Frustration & Real Talk
‘You can build and whinge, build and not whinge or not build at all.’
These were the words that came to me as I hung up the phone. I’d just finished venting to my oversight about my current frustrations.
Attentive to heaven- spiritual GPS
Directions are not my forte. When the mobile GPS came in, it was a grand day in our household. I still lose my way and take wrong turns, but I’m quick to see my flashing blue dot leave the blue line and can begin charting my course back straight away. Continue reading
How do you be content when need multiplies?
As I pull out my summer clothes from last season and pack away the winter woollies, I am overwhelmed with how much stuff I have. Do I really need twelve pairs of shoes, four jackets and fifteen scarfs that didn’t get a wear this winter? Continue reading
When we overlook less in pursuit of more
As I pushed my girls on the swings at the park recently, I overheard a conversation between two parents discussing the latest indoor play centre. They were planning to take their kids. It would be so much fun. Expensive but fun. I was struck by the irony of taking the kids to the park but becoming too busy planning more adventures to stop and play. Continue reading
Wasteful worship- finding worth in the waste
We’ve all done it, invested our heart and soul into an endeavour then sat back and wondered: was that a waste?
Margin for more: When freedom calls

It was in one of our pre-marriage counselling sessions, that my hubby and I first heard about the principle of creating margin for more.
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Where is your mountain?
While many defining moments in God begin with the cliche, ‘I can’t remember who was speaking, where we were, or what the message was about,’ the following recollection is NOT one of those times.