Every year the church I grew up in hosted a youth camp at Lake Ainsworth in Northern NSW. One particular year I was determined to find out if God had indeed called me to do something significant. Continue reading
Bible Devotional
Do you doubt yourself?

Hey! Just a quick message for those following on WordPress before I launch into the next blog in a meander though Romans 12:8: Continue reading
Mind your business

Some of us are reluctant to get involved while others need to learn how to take a backseat. I am the later. My endless opinions and ‘fix it nature’ draw me all sorts of places constantly. Continue reading
Prophetic coffee order?
A meander though Romans 12:6 Continue reading
It’s a touchy subject… Teamwork, Unity & Contribution: A meander through Romans 12:5
Masquerading Comparison
I have lost count of the times where I have wished I could preach like so and so, sing like that person, lead like them, pastor like that etc etc… Continue reading
Faceless Worship
One in four millennials believe that they will be famous by the time they are twenty-five. This scary stat was read out at last years Q Commons. Popularity, gauged by followers or public recognition is fast becoming a thirst that is never quenched. Continue reading
A well worn path- A meander through Romans 12:2

‘Every system left to its own devices always tends to move from order to disorder.’ -The Second Law of Thermodynamics Continue reading
A living sacrifice is an oxymoron
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV
A ‘living sacrifice’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading
Am I being fruitful?

The start of every year is filled with purpose, promise, renewed hope and new plans. It is easy to dream in January. But often for me, as the busyness train toots is horn and leaves the station I find myself running to keep up with it, struggling to get on and beginning to doubt all of the promise of a new year. How on earth is one to fit all of the mundane into such a glorious life?! Continue reading