The difference between isolation and solitude

Palm Beach

There is a big difference between isolation and solitude.

Without the time to stop and doing a stocktake of our thoughts, sneaky lies have the habit of taking up residence in our thought lounge. These same lies dissipate when we come face to face with our Creator.

Time alone with Him will have you slowing down, being more aware of priorities, and instead of reaching for familiar and easy vices you’ll reach more for Him.

Deep down we crave the stillness. Continue reading

Your Best Life Now

Carly Riordan Worship Leading

‘Your best life now.’  This is the phrase that has been finding its ways into my consciousness of late. 

My best life now, right now.

Am I living my best life now? If not why. What am I waiting for? Why am I holding back, holding out? What have I stopped believing God for?… 

I have felt challenged when it comes to my faith. Specifically the substance of my faith. Is faith evident in my life? If so, where is it? What actions is it taking?

Have I diminished God down to what is possible, reasonable and doable in my own strength? Or am I believing for the God opportunities and the whispers that lead to wild adventures and memorable testimonies?  Continue reading

The stale enablement of yesteryear. What are you leaving in twenty-seventeen?

Great Barrier Island, New Zealand

What do you want to leave in twenty-seventeen?  Regrets? Conversations? Decisions? Everyday moments that didn’t unfold as you’d hoped? Instead of letting go, too often we hold on. We hold on in the attempt to understand, to recover something of worth. Holding on anchors us to the past. In order to make way for the new year, I’m choosing to empty myself of the stale enablement of yesteryear.  Continue reading