We’ve all done it, invested our heart and soul into an endeavour then sat back and wondered: was that a waste?
What is true Worship?
Faceless Worship
One in four millennials believe that they will be famous by the time they are twenty-five. This scary stat was read out at last years Q Commons. Popularity, gauged by followers or public recognition is fast becoming a thirst that is never quenched. Continue reading
A living sacrifice is an oxymoron
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV
A ‘living sacrifice’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading
What is a costly anointing?
More and more I am discovering that God is revealed in the small things. Continue reading
Fear that leads…

Regardless of how long I have been leading worship I still find myself constantly wondering if I am cut out for the task. My hurdle of late has been fear. Fear about saying the wrong thing, saying too much, saying too little, fear in general that I am missing the mark and potentially affecting someone experience of God. Continue reading
Convictions about worship

Convictions about Worship
I am inspired to document my convictions about worship as a sort of time capsule. After I wrote about some of my experiences and old beliefs about worship in my years as a new Christian I felt like this could be a good starting point to build from. Continue reading
In the beginning… a trip down memory lane

It brings a smile too my face as I think back to my early days in church and, in particular, what I believed about worship. I’m not really sure where my first understanding of worship came from, though it has definitely evolved over the years. Continue reading