Creativity Begets Creativity

Choc Hazelnut Spread

Last October I had an idea to start this blog. Up until this point point I had known nothing about blogs was extremely technically challenged. I Googled everything and asked heaps of questions that totally revealed that I was a rookie. As I engaged in the creative process, learnt new things and put them into practice; I began to see what I had envisaged come to life and I was totally inspired.

This inspiration led to another idea to start another blog. This next blog began to conceptualise in my mind as a recipe site to house my growing list of favourite ‘never-fail-best’ recipes.

Of course I totally discounted the idea feeling I needed to pour all my creative energy into creating Contemplative Worship. I reasoned that I was on a steep learning curve and decided to put off the recipe site for at least six months or until I was up and running with Contemplative Worship.

But it was too late. I was already inspired and it was beginning to take more energy to put a plug on the ideas rather than put them into action. And so within two weeks I began my second blog out of the belief: Creativity begets creativity.

Creativity is not logical. Logic would say that if you spread yourself too thin you will have less ideas and be less productive. In most cases I believe the opposite is true. As we are involved in the creative process in one area of our life, we naturally stimulate creativity in other areas.

It is the law of sowing and reaping. If we sow creativity, we reap creativity. A creative thought applied to one area of life will reproduce itself in another area of life.

Creativity is about taking the limits off. Thinking new ways, new ideas, putting things in motion, exploring, making, enjoying. The more we immerse ourselves in creative tasks the better we get at applying creativity.

No creative venture is a waste when you want to live creatively. Inspiration from one creative task will feed inspiration for another creative task. Even when the content or task is unrelated, it is the creative process that is being fuelled and thus you work more efficiently and with less dead spots.

Creativity is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it is.

Let’s get creative. Start something new. Do the creative things that you have been putting off. Change something and live inspired.

Is there something creatively that you have been putting off that you feel inspired to begin?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Creatively yours, Carly xx

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