I want to show you something about yourself that you didn’t know…

My friend, Jen Maroney, has been a confidant, a mentor, a wealth of wisdom and expertise for over 15 years. Surprises are one of her specialties.

One afternoon many years ago, I popped into her office at church on the way to a creative rehearsal. These impromptu visits were frequent in occurrence and always filled with random chats, cups of tea and often heart defining conversations. On many occasion we also took the time to venture out of the office- Starbucks (for our annual Gingerbread Frappucino), to see a show, eat at an interesting restaurant or whatever else might provide a colourful backdrop to a much needed heart to heart.

On this particular afternoon Jen explained; with a mysterious smile; that on our next adventure she: ‘wanted to show me something about myself that I didn’t know.’

Now, I’m not really one for surprises. I like to know everything. So, the prospect of this unknown adventure made me more nervous than excited.

Eventually, the day came and we set off soon arriving at the destination: Pacific Fair. It was a large shopping about half an hour from where we lived. I was somewhat stumped; not what I expected at all.

As we walked into the doors of Myer that afternoon she explained to me that we were there to test and buy my first lipstick (insert confused emoji here).

Apparently thing that ‘I didn’t know about myself’ was that I had beautiful lips and with the help of some lipstick I would know this too.

As we set off I had imagined that I was going to discover something grand about myself. And then…. lipstick. The whole moment still cracks me up as I think back, she really is one of a kind.

I recall this story because it paints a wonderful picture of a much deeper truth: in the same way that Jen drove me up that day to ‘show me something about myself that I didn’t know,’ I believe God also wants to show us things about ourselves that we don’t know.

He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Psalm 139:15-16 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

I used to think that I knew myself fairly well. Experiences helped shape my idea of what I was good at, what tasks I should probably avoid, likes, dislikes etc.

These days I am not so sure. I am not sure who I am, or what I want, but in a good way.

Last year when I felt God whisper “Write because it’s who you are, it’s how I created you,”  I had no desire to write… anything. Fast forward twelve months and I am writing every day (books, blogs, recipes, lists just write, write, write, because I love it!) I feel like writing was something that I was created to do. How could I have missed this all these years?

I had no idea that I would love to write. But Jesus did.

In the same way it took a friend’s fun adventure to give me confidence to try something new- lipstick; on a much deeper level it took the prompting of the Holy Spirit to give me the confidence to also try something new- writing. One result is perhaps a little trivial, the other has provided me with such satisfaction, fulfilment and drawn me closer to Jesus.

This leads me to wonder: what else is ahead of us? For you, for me?

What else will He reveal to us that is currently unforseen?’

What gifts are currently laying dormant waiting to be spoken into life?

Today, I pray that you would allow Jesus to help you discover all of the gifts that He has deposited into your life. He created us with intent and purpose ad He knows us better than we know ourselves. There is more.

Written in love,

Carly Signature

Also: Next week I am starting a 21 day devotional through Romans 12 ‘A Life of Worship.’I am setting myself the challenge to post everyday. The posts will be raw, real, perhaps a little unedited and actually who knows? But I’m excited.

If you are yet to subscribe please do- It would be so great to have your join us!

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