For the writers and photographers: When the unseen becomes seen, the storytellers of our time…

Recently, my heart has been stirring for those who capture moments. The storytellers of our time. Photographers and writers alike. It’s those who have inspired me of late.

Expressions of the unseen reflected in lines, light, art. And words. Both the writer and the artist telling stories as history is written. Moments captured of this time.

Last week one of our team collected four shots from a different perspective: behind the stage. 

To many scrolling by this was just another day in church but I knew the story behind the image. For this particular series, one of our team had set up a remote trigger via iPhone so not to intrude in the moment. No one would have known this, the vast percentage not interested, but for me just knowing this, inspired my creativity.

I love how some of the most beautiful moments of creativity are only grasped by those involved. A seamless change of time signature between songs, when the lighting collides with that chorus at just the right time, it’s the rare occasions where it seems fitting for a four-part harmony with inversions as you build the bridge….

For those involved in the creating, these are the moments that make the heart gush. The rush of the execution mixed with the quiet confidence and anonymity of knowing that mostly it goes unnoticed. There is something that feels so secretly special about going unnoticed.

It’s secrets shared between artists alike and their Creator. Exclusive in the best way.

Lately, I’ve begun thinking about the multiple perspectives God sees from. I know what captures my attention. But what is it that captures His?

And then this… this is what my heart is somewhat stuck on:

What if those who take photos and write words would prepare in the same way a worship leader or pastor prepares for the service ahead. I picture them preparing before they shoot or post, asking: “God help me to see what You see. Help me to write what you want to say. What is it that someone needs to see revealed, help me show them.”

And in those humble prayers, a heavenly partnership takes place. They become the storytellers of Heaven.

Perhaps those prayers would lead to the obligatory shots of an embrace in the church foyer, or a carpark team in their brights? But perhaps they would also be discovered in a quiet conversation as a dad drops his daughter to kids church…

…or as the light settles on a faithful barista checking the grind, bringing a sense of hospitality and home.

These musings, this seeking, inspires my pursuit.


That our most inspired moments might be ‘wasted’ at His feet, the overflow poured out for others.

Father lead me to the places where you are at work. Help me tell the stories that Heaven is talking about.

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