New leadership role?

Some leadership thoughts when being asked to run a new team: 

1. Identify current leaders/ people whose opinion carries weight. You want them working with you not against you. Ask for their input. Ask them “what do you think about Certain issues/ systems etc. Then listen- if the idea is good then run with it and thank them for their input.

2. Encourage everyone personally- let them know that what they bring to the team makes a difference.

3. Make a small goal/ articulate vision for the next season. This can be as small as getting ‘being prepared so we can bring out best’ eg song lists up, or rosters up OR it could be something like seeing our team grow. Or seeing the team connect with kids after the service. Then just keep repeating this until you see it. Eg celebrate when you see it happen, explain how it can happen, remind people why then celebrate the win together and thank everyone. Then make a new goal. It’s the law of navigating. A lot of small steps can take you a long way.

4. Lastly- trust what God enables you to see. You are the leader because there is something within you that He needs to cultivate within the team. So don’t compare or try and be anyone else. Just bring your best self and don’t apologise for it.

You got this!

‘The fastest way to leadership is to solve problems’
So before you make any plans/goals of your own value people by asking them what their current frustration is- then solve that.

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