Daughter Wait! A Story of Life, Loss And Love

(11 customer reviews)


Daughter Wait is an invitation to consider a different approach to dating and relationships. If you have ever wondered: How do I have a Godly relationship? How do I know if he is the one? What are realistic boundaries in a Christian relationship? How do I move on from a broken heart? Then this book is for you.

I originally penned Daughter Wait for my own daughters so that one day they might learn something from the many struggles and successes I encountered in relationships. However, as I shared my story with others, it brought wisdom and encouragement to young women from all walks of life. Within these pages are my most vulnerable and heartbreaking moments, along with the powerful revelations and realisations that set my heart on a new course. It is a warning of the perils of dating and a reminder of the promises of a Godly relationship.

Written in Carly’s unique conversational style, you’ll cry, laugh and cheer as you follow her story of love and loss. Daughter Wait is a timeless reminder that regardless of your past, God has the best for your future.

Pre-order your copy now to receive updates and exclusive bonuses.


Daughter Wait! is an invitation to consider a different approach to dating and relationships. If you have ever wondered: How do I have a Godly relationship? How do I know if he is the one? What are realistic boundaries in a Christian relationship? How do I move on from a broken heart? Then this book is for you.

I originally penned Daughter Wait for my own daughters so that one day they might learn something from the many struggles and successes I encountered in relationships. However, as I shared my story with others, it brought wisdom and encouragement to young women from all walks of life. Within these pages are my most vulnerable and heartbreaking moments, along with the powerful revelations and realisations that set my heart on a new course. It is a warning of the perils of dating and a reminder of the promises of a Godly relationship.

Written in Carly’s unique conversational style, you’ll cry, laugh and cheer as you follow her story of love and loss. Daughter Wait is a timeless reminder that regardless of your past, God has the best for your future.

Order your copy today to receive before Christmas.

Additional information

Weight .6 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 2 cm

14 thoughts on “Daughter Wait! A Story of Life, Loss And Love

  1. This book is beauty personified. It encapsulates Gods promises to me and encouraged me to seek Him first and wait before taking my next.

  2. Reading Daughter Wait allowed me to think of the possibilities of a healthy, secure and happy marriage when I put God first. I feel more free and liberated to be able to live a fulfilling and meaningful life with Jesus, even before a man comes into the picture.

  3. Carly reserves nothing from some of the most intimate moments of her life to help us single ladies, those of us dating and perhaps even engaged, see the joy in ‘waiting’ vs the struggle of settling for someone because we’ve ‘waited’ long enough. Though I haven’t been through everything she shares in ‘Daughter Wait’, I could relate to all of it and was constantly reminded of who I am, finding myself crying, laughing, being challenged in the best way, reading words I didn’t think I needed to hear and seeing the kindness of our Heavenly Father articulated through every page.

  4. Carly writes with such honesty and passion for life that I found her story a compelling read. Carly’s journey is inspiring and reflects her love for God, and God’s surpassing love for her. He is fashioning a life that displays His grace and faithfulness, and a testimony that will bless and encourage many young women.

  5. Carly’s book ‘Daughter Wait’ was one of the most beautiful, intimate, encouraging yet also challenging books I have read. It spoke of so many moments that I could relate to during my early years of ‘dating’, while also leaving me in awe of her journey with God along the way. This book is one I wish my 18 year old self could have read, yet speaks so much wisdom that I believe is not too late to apply to my own married life now. Definitely a keeper for my own daughter to read.

  6. Daughter Wait was an incredible read! Carly’s conversational tone allows the reader to instantly connect with her vulnerability. Not only has she communicated her story in a powerful way, she has practically helped me to see concepts relating to God from a whole new perspective. It came at the perfect time for me and I hope it does for you too.

  7. Once you start the book, you literally cannot stop reading it until the very last page.
    Carly has written a beautiful reflection on her journey thus far and the struggles that we all may face along the way.
    As I read through some bits I couldn’t help but laugh as it mirrored some of the very things I have experienced in my own journey; I’m sure you’ll see some parts of your own relationship journey(s) through this book.
    It is wonderful to see a book which demonstrates the reality of life – and shows that all of us are not perfect no matter what you may perceive of someone.
    Congratulations Carly on such a poignant and timely book and I can’t wait to share this with those in my world and my own children one day.

  8. One phrase comes to mind as I came to the end of this book with tears in my eyes “A Beautiful Love Story”…

    The first half of this book shows us the love story between Carly and Jesus. As Carly tells us with such openness of how she lost her way with incredible lows and heart aches for such a young girl to go through and God lovenly pursues her and gently pulls her out of her mess and we see her relationship with God restored. In these pages it really helped me face some of the hinderances In my life and put my focus on developing my relationship with God.

    As for the second half of this book, the beautiful love story between her and Joe was exciting to read. A reminder that God does write beautiful love stories, He does bring the right person to us as we go about His will. God can do exceedingly abundantly more then we could ask or think. He did it for me, He did it for Carly, He can do it for you and He can do it for my daughter. I’m blessed this book will be around for my daughter. I also want to get this book to every single girl I know to show them God has a plan, He can write their love story… Never take second best… Daughter Wait ????

    Thanks Carly xx

  9. A few months ago when I still live on the Gold Coast my friend Hannah invited me to Carly’s book launch. She told me her friend had recently wrote a book and Initially I had no expectations and agreed to go along to support my friend supporting her friend. Having never been to a book launch before I had no expectations and purchased the book purely to support my friend.

    They say everything happens for a reason and although I felt like an outsider among a close circle I’m so glad I agreed to step out of my comfort zone and attend this launch. Carly read out a chapter of her book and when she read it I felt as though I was alone with no one around and every word touched me. In that moment with whatever I was going through that chapter made me shed a tear and hit home so hard. I had to pre order this book.

    I have been waiting ever since to receive it in the mail and I just got it yesterday. It was so much greater and gave me so much more than I expected. I finished it already I couldn’t put it down and I recommend women out there, young, old, single or in a relationship to read this book! I will post the link in the comment.

    “Daughter wait!” has changed my perspective on so many things and I’m so thankful Carly has made herself vulnerable to share her experiences.

    Also, thank you Hannah for recommending it to me, you knew exactly the positive outcomes this book would have for me and what I needed at the time

    “One day in your house is better than one thousand days in the world.” ♥️

    1. So many tears reading this. Just honestly so humbled to be part of your journey in this way. Thanks for reading and thanks for taking the time to leave this review. Such a blessing to me. ????????

  10. What a beautiful, vulnerable , heartbreaking and ultimately triumphant book! Carly approaches the subject of dating and relationships with such grace, humility and power. I couldn’t put it down – at one point I caught myself trying to figure out how to read in the shower! Reading “daughter wait!” feels like snuggling in for an honest heart to heart with a trusted friend and mentor. Every page is filled with god breathed wisdom and revelation moments and leaves you with such a sense of wonder at the beauty of real love and authenticity in relationships; the relationships we have with other people and more importantly the wonderful all-embracing love of Jesus.

    1. Olivia thank you for such kind, beautiful words. So honoured to have you read my words. And laughing at the idea of you reading in the shower. You’re the best! ????????


    When I discovered this beautiful book was up for reviews, my first thoughts were Daughter Wait? What is that? Why? But fortunately, in this instance, my natural curiosity took over.

    Carly Riordan, a member of Christian Writers Downunder, hasn’t just written a story … no, she has bled her heart onto the pages of this book to form one the most honest, humbling, heartfelt memoirs you are ever likely to read.

    Carly makes herself to vulnerable throughout the book. There are no characters to create and mold, because Carly has merely told her own story, just as it is, warts and all, in a beautiful conversational style. Carly talks to us. Carly pleads with us. She pleads with us to wait.

    I didn’t relate to everything within the book, however, I related to enough detail to keep turning the pages. I. Could. Not. Put. The. Book. Down! … Seriously.

    Carly made me think about my own choices which I have made throughout life without a second thought as to what God may want of me.

    Carly made me see that as a young woman, feeling like she may be ‘left on the shelf’ so to speak, I couldn’t have been more mistaken.

    Throughout her book, Carly gently reminds us that no matter what we have thought, said or done in our past life, God through His gracious and glorious love, will always take the best care of our future … if we allow Him to.

    Daughter Wait is a wakeup call for all His daughters young, old, and in-between to trust Him, wait, and trust some more that He will lead us in the direction that is best for us.

    In this day of so-called ‘sexual freedom’, and even looking back on the days of ‘free love’ during the 1960s and 70s, it is all too easy to be led astray. In this modern age, we may be bound to think that we have no need to listen, and definitely no need to wait, right?

    I would love for every daughter to be able to read this insightful book, to realise that this assumption it so wrong. I would also love for every son of the Father to have the opportunity to read this book so that they may gain an understanding and appreciation of how precious His daughters truly are.

    If I could give this book six stars, I wouldn’t hesitate!

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