The shame, guilt and horror of what I’d done were so deep that I couldn’t deal with being present in my own life. I just watched it from a distance. I wasn’t me. At times, truckloads of emotions boiled up, and I exploded in uncontrollable crying, screaming and shouting. The outbursts lasted for hours. I was an intelligent and capable young woman yet the way I was living was incongruent with what my heart knew to be true, and it caused extreme conflict within. Continue reading
Adding value to others in the good times and the bad- a lesson from Lauren
When it comes to adding value to others, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt was from my good friend Lauren. Continue reading
In the beginning… a trip down memory lane

It brings a smile too my face as I think back to my early days in church and, in particular, what I believed about worship. I’m not really sure where my first understanding of worship came from, though it has definitely evolved over the years. Continue reading