Vocal blending workshop

A focus on developing the skill of blending, complementing, standing out, confidence and listening to each other.

Blending is essential when it comes to singing and playing music. If the individual sounds can be pieced together in a way that complements the whole team and creates a unified sound then we are winning.

Everything we add to a song will either enhance it or detract from it so listening closely to others so we can play our part more effectively is essential.

By listening to one another, adapting our part and seeking to blend, individual voices and instruments shouldn’t stand out unless they are intended to.

Three levels of experience when playing in church

Joey often refers to three levels of experience when it comes to playing (or singing) in church. Continue reading

Self-worth struggles and a Covenant of Life

When I was in the final stages of editing my book I came across this passage:

‘Black baggy clothes were my staple attire—my best efforts to hide the body I was ashamed of. In my mind, the few extra kilos I carried were enough to make me want to hide. But imagining the future forced me to realise I didn’t want to be a wife with body image issues, a lack of confidence, constantly belittling myself. God valued me, and I needed to start valuing myself.

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Spirit Led Boots

bootsIs God is interested in the everyday ordinary details of our lives? I am continuing to ponder this question…

About six months ago I was in the middle of a rather lengthy pursuit to find the perfect pair of leather boots. At the height of my chase I had driven an hour and a half to the only store within a 100km radius that had ‘the ultimate pair’ still in my size. They looked perfect but as I tried them on I quickly realised that they hardly fit, even without a sock.  Continue reading

Fear that leads…

person mountain snow
Image by Ezra Davies Photography

Regardless of how long I have been leading worship I still find myself constantly wondering if I am cut out for the task. My hurdle of late has been fear. Fear about saying the wrong thing, saying too much, saying too little, fear in general that I am missing the mark and potentially affecting someone experience of God.  Continue reading