Faceless Worship Day 1 Building a Home

Isaiah 66

This guided devotional is the first of the series ‘A Pilgrimage to Worship.’ 

Day one begins with a renovation of the heart, a desire for change deep within. These sorts of changes aren’t for everyone. In a world that chases fast upgrades—a quick coat of paint and some external fixtures—you won’t find that here. The Lord’s work often occurs in the unseen, as ‘deep cries unto deep’. Slow, meaningful changes reveal we are willing to lay down our will in obedience to His still small voice.

Faceless Worship is a call to humility. It’s for the hungry, the desperate, those desiring to cultivate a relationship with Jesus that causes all else to fade into insignificance. It’s time to create a space that the Holy Spirit find irresistible. 

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