I have lost count of the times where I have wished I could preach like so and so, sing like that person, lead like them, pastor like that etc etc… Continue reading
Faceless Worship
One in four millennials believe that they will be famous by the time they are twenty-five. This scary stat was read out at last years Q Commons. Popularity, gauged by followers or public recognition is fast becoming a thirst that is never quenched. Continue reading
A well worn path- A meander through Romans 12:2

‘Every system left to its own devices always tends to move from order to disorder.’ -The Second Law of Thermodynamics Continue reading
A living sacrifice is an oxymoron
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV
A ‘living sacrifice’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading
What is a costly anointing?
More and more I am discovering that God is revealed in the small things. Continue reading
I want to show you something about yourself that you didn’t know…
The Problem with Worship

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘let’s enter a time of worship?’
We know worship is not about songs yet we speak and act like it is. Continue reading
Do you have faith that I could borrow? A fast from thinking…
I think too much. I analyze, plan, consider, rehearse, summarize and make endless lists… Up until recently I thought this was just part of my personality. But last week for the first time, I considered that perhaps over thinking was just another coping mechanism and attempt to control my life. Continue reading
Who is Jesus…?

I will always remember the time my now husband and I were driving home from what was a rather awkward date and even more awkward drive home. We had been on about three dates and I was already head over heels in love and from all reliable sources (church grapevine) the feeling was mutual. We had known each other for over ten years, served in youth and creative together and shared many of the same friends. It was fair to say we knew each other well but as far as conversation in this moment (and to be honest in all the other moments on our past three dates) we were at a loss.
Wanna know a secret? Confession time.
Ezra Davies Photography
I am a person of extremes. I understand and enjoy exploring all the ‘inbeweens,’ the grey area between all my pendulum swinging moments, I just don’t like camping there. I like absolutes, all or nothing. Continue reading