Building community and momentum in team

Phase 2: building community and momentum in team

1. Communicate weekly. Pre-service communication says that Sunday is coming and there is something to be expectant for. This helps to remind people if they are rostered and give space to give any info that will help the service flow.

2. Celebrate weekly- what went well and how did the team’s contribution make a difference? Celebrate the wins.

3. Set small goals focusing on one thing at a time until it becomes culture. Celebrate the small successes along the way. It could be setting up on time, filling gaps in seats, connecting people, anything that is the next step for your team to move forward- the most important thing- always link back to vision. (We never tire of hearing salvation stories either).

4. Ask for input- when problems arise ask: what do you think? What could we do to help? Then follow these things up. People should be heard and valued and nothing kills momentum like seeing the same issue arise week after week. It communicates that what the team is doing doesn’t matter. If it can’t be fixed straight away assure people that they have been heard, you’re onto it and as soon as we have a solution we will get it underway. Thank them for bringing it to your attention. “The fastest way to gain leadership is to solve problems.”

5. Touch base pre-service with a focus and prayer if appropriate. And after service to check in and thank everyone and celebrate.

6. Hang out together to build team, community, family.

7. Care. Pray. Love on people. Lead by example.

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