How to successfully invite someone to join your team

How you invite someone to join a team is so important. 

There are two approaches: one, there is a need and I need to find someone to fill it or two, there is a person, and I can help connect them to a team they will love. One way is task focused and the other people focused.Of course, option two is the best.

Break it down: what are you looking for?

If you are looking for someone for a worship team, look for someone who enjoys music and creativity. If you are looking for someone to fill a welcoming role look for someone friendly who is always talking to others. Looking for someone to help with administration? Find someone who is organised. You get the point.

When you take the time to see where someone is naturally gifted there is more chance that you will be able to encourage them and let them know that their gift of skill would be helpful in a particular area. Eg. “Hi Carly, how’s it going? I’ve been thinking about you and was wondering if you would be interested in helping with the welcome team. You’re always talking to people after the service and you’re so friendly I just wondered if that would be something you’d be interested in helping with? 

Alternatively, the personal approach can be good.

“Hi Carly, I was hoping you might be able to help me out with something. Then explain the problem and how they might be able to help.

An added bonus is if you can add vision as to why you would like their help or how you could see them involved. What are you trying to build and why? Paint a picture of what you see for the future. This helps the person see if it is something that they would like to be involved in. No pressure—need is a terrible motivator and will always be short lived.

If the response is a ‘yes’, then start slow. Don’t bombard and overwhelm people. Think about what is needed for them to take their next step in being involved. Do they need access to a specific site to see rosters or information? Or would it be best for them just to show up to the next rehearsal or service and tag along with you?

Okay, I’ll continue the steps….

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