Ideas to get stared when taking on a new team

The first stage of taking on a new team sets the tone for the season ahead. Done well and you’ll be set up for a win, and done poorly and you’ll find yourself putting out fires from the beginning. There is no silver bullet when assuming a new leadership role however below are a few ideas to get you started when taking on a new team.

The first phase is about building Momentum (removing the blockages), building trust, adding value to people, making the team atmosphere fun, inviting individuals into the vision and showing them how their part makes a huge difference.

Here are some ideas, if you have any others feel free to comment below and add your own tips, stories and questions.

Ideas when taking on a new team:

1. Personally connect- get to know people. Their names, their family, their story. And share yours. This gives your leadership context down the track.

2. Solve problems/frustrations- Ask people what is going well and what can be better.

3. Servant leadership/ leading by example/ setting the tone- add value to the team by investing time into things that matter. Change things slowly, step by step based on the level of importance. This also creates momentum.

4. Encourage and add value to people/ highlight what is going well in the wider team/ bigger picture- what they are doing matters.

5. Make a plan for moving forward. Leak this individually- makes people feel on the inside

6. Meet with the key players and discuss strategy/ask for feedback. Ask for their help- invite into the vision.

7. Do a team vision gathering with food- Share vision/ goals/ celebrate. Give key people value- empowering them.

8. Tell the wider community what’s happening- inviting them to be involved. If you do this too soon you lose credibility.

The goal in this phase is to make sure it’s easy to be involved (rosters and systems work) otherwise when you get an influx of people- cause it looks so fun you can’t retain them. And the other goal is positioning people in the right places so they LOVE being involved and there is synergy.

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